Groupthink 101

July 2, 2011

We have all heard the saying, “If the shoe fits wear it” right?

Well, try this one on for size. Idiot Muth employs the very same tactics used by liberal political mob movements.

We all can just hear it now, muth is such a self-centered narcissist that he is going to start calling all his spammed e-mail ‘followers’ members of his mob. Or even refer to himself as a mob boss.

Of course when he does this he will only be perfectly illustrating the points made by the author of a new book on mob psychology who described the characteristics of a mob in a recent interview as follows:

1) Myth-making

2) Contradictory thinking

3) Creating messiahs

4) Turning those who disagree with you into opponents

5) Simple-mindedness

Figuring out chuck muth is really almost too easy; he fits the mob mentality to a tee. Of course it would be best not to post this information about muth because he might attempt to ‘turn out the mob’.

Who will be the next victim of Citizen Overreach’s lame robo-call? Will it be United States Congressman Joe Heck who looks like he will take a pass on signing the latest idiot muth pledge?  

Why if any of you elected GOPer’s dare question the contradictory drivel emanating from chuck muth enterprises, he might be libel liable to illegally scrape your friends e-mails and send out more ‘muth half-truths’ about you.

So whatever you do please, for your own political careers, do not point out the fact that Chuck Muth is a simple-minded, wannabe thug, who talks out of both sides of his considerably large muth! Er, mouth.

P.S. Over the coming weeks we will illustrate how Chuck Muth fits each of the five points of ‘mob mentality/groupthink’ mentioned above with dozens of embarrassingly obvious examples.